Category Archives: News

We Are Excited to Announce: Ideal Concrete Joins W. Gohman Construction!

Gohman Construction is excited to announce the integration of Ideal Concrete into our comprehensive construction services, particularly within our concrete division. This significant development underscores our commitment to enhancing our residential services and delivering unparalleled value to our clients.

New bell tower, cross installed at St. Cloud Children’s Home

A new bell tower and cross were installed June 16 at the St. Cloud Children’s Home, a program of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud. They replaced an old tower and cross, from 1924, that were heavily damaged in a storm Oct. 7, 2015.  

Fall 2015

This will be a recent newsletter post from W. Gohman Construction.

Summer 2015

This is an archived newsletter from W. Gohman Construction.

Spring 2015

This will be a newsletter posted by W. Gohman Construction